What’s your POSSIBLE in 2019?

Nine years ago, I enrolled in graduate school to study Organizational Leadership at Gonzaga University.  It is hard to believe it was that long ago as it seems just like yesterday that I was swamped with reading, writing papers, contributing to on-line discussions with my classmates and professors and doing some deep inner work with my leadership capacity at work and in my personal life.

As I was recently going through some files, papers and books, I came across the essay below that I must have had to write before starting my very first class. 

          I had been thinking about enrolling in graduate school for a number of years, but that is about as far as I got in the process.  First of all, I wasn’t sure what profession or degree I wanted to pursue and I didn’t want to go back to school if I was not able to commit to a program that resonated with me.  An advanced degree in my career area of exercise science or health promotion doesn’t guarantee advancement and I strongly felt I needed to move in a different direction.  I started to feel that if I wanted to be considered for other career opportunities, it was necessary for me to have a master’s degree.

          In the last year or two, I have become increasingly interested and attracted to team building, leadership dynamics and intrinsic coaching.  I have taken advantage of leadership and communication trainings at work and self-study opportunities, which have enriched me professionally and personally.  I started to talk to people that facilitated these programs and I became more and more excited and the desire to go back to school became my focus.  I started researching schools and programs until I found the one that I knew would meet all of my goals and provide me with a diversified and enriching educational experience.

            I do not have particular goals in mind after graduation.  I see myself continuing in an educational role, leading individuals and teams to achieve collective goals.  I want to expand to a broader scope of leadership that includes designing, teaching and facilitating programs.  I do not know if I will pursue these opportunities with my current company, or if I will seek employment with a different organization.

            My focus now is to concentrate and embrace each class of the Organizational Leadership program.  I want to enjoy the academic environment, challenge and enlighten myself with each assignment.  Most importantly, I want this journey to be a remarkable experience.

What strikes me about what I wrote is the embracement of hope and diving into the unknown with where this program would take me.  Often, we want more guarantees when committing to something that will require a significant investment of time and money.  But I was all in and I don’t regret one moment of it.

I had no idea when I started this journey that I would go on to earn my Executive Leadership Coaching credential as well as a Thriving Worksite Culture Certification.   I also didn’t know that I would eventually become the Founder and CEO of my own consulting and coaching business.  The results that can come out of commitment and being open to possibilities.

What are you wanting to do in the next emerging chapter of your life?  Reach out to me for an exploratory conversation on discover what might be next for you if you embrace the possible.

[email protected]






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